"And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer" (Acts 2:42, NIV).

Fellowship and the Breaking of Bread

We like to informally gather, eat and fellowship with one another at 9 AM before the service. We gather frequently throughout the week in a variety of different ministry settings as well because we believe the challenge to love Jesus and people is best lived out within the context of genuine relationships with others.


A musical approach that blends traditional hymns and contemporary choruses where the leaders are the lead worshippers among worshippers, not the main act.

The Apostles' Teaching (i.e., Expository Preaching and Teaching)

We don't try to make the Scriptures relevant. They are relevant by virtue of their author, God Himself. We simply "devote ourselves to the apostles' teaching" in order to create an environment for the Holy Spirit to apply to our lives what he's already spoken.


We assign time in our service for the corporate and individual prayers of God's people at Genesis.
